The last projection I attended was “Megunica”, a documentary film by the Italian Lorenzo Fonda about urban art and specifically about Blu, who has developed a peculiar style consisting in painting on street walls. I enjoyed very much the film because it wasn’t just focused on the creative process, which is quite unusual, but showed the relationship between the artist and the spectators of his working activity, their different reactions and their visions about street art. Blu and his companions travel to several South American countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Argentina (hence the title of the film). He paints murals on any-sized walls, he’s often sent away by the land owner or some police forces, he talks with children or adults indifferently about their opinions and interpretations of that kind of art, and he never shows his face to the camera. Their intention when they decided to fly to South America without any kind of script was to expose Blu to new influences and to see how these affected his art.
The film flows very smoothly interspersing the travelling and wall-painting with animations. These animations are very peculiar, usually showing fantastic transformations and transitions from one element to another, mutilations and breakages that look so natural. He tends to use black and white combined with another colour and his style is influenced by comics and graffiti.

Here you can see the trailer and visit their website, here's another trailer and following this link you can access Blu's website and have a look at some of his other works, like MUTO.

Wall painted by Blu and Pier, Buenos Aires